Night Time Etiquette & Car Lights


It is really important that no one arrives after dark with their headlights on, thus either ruining imaging in progress or blinding everyone whose vision has just become dark-adapted.

Ideally, everyone should plan to arrive 30 mins before sunset. It is also much easier to set up before it gets dark, and you’ll be ready to start imaging or observing straight away. 

Please park close to the entrance gate if you intend to leave early. If leaving before midnight, please park closer to the gate and not beside imagers who stay all night.

If you do arrive after dark, please park outside the gate and come and find the evening coordinator, and they will walk you in with your lights off. Before you arrive, please switch your car’s interior lights to the OFF position to ensure the car remains dark when you open the door.

Prior to arriving at the site, if your boot lights can’t be switched off, please cover them with red photographic plastic and not cellophane as cellophane does not tint white sufficiently.  

Re personal lights:

  1. After dark, only dim RED or ORANGE lights are to be used,
  2. These are to be used next to your telescope only. When you are not next to your scope - your light MUST be OFF
  3. Under NO circumstances are white lights (e.g. torches or PHONES) to be used.

Please read our Observation Night Light Guide which also lists some suitable lights.

Do NOT lock your car. If the bright yellow car lights flash it takes at least 20-30 minutes for other people's eyes to achieve dark-adaption again.

night-time-etiquette-500pxPoor light management creates enormous problems for those people imaging, so be extra careful if you are close to them. For their part, imagers need to be mindful of their bright laptop screens. Since they are not observing visually, they don’t need dark-adapted eyes. Screens should be switched to night mode, or covered with red photographic plastic. Imagers should be grouped together and face screens away from visual observers.

When leaving, please don’t switch your lights on and avoid the break peddle (try the hand brake) until you are well clear of any remaining cars. If your car does not have this ability, please find the coordinator, so you can be walked out or advise visual observers to cover their eyes whilst you leave.

Following the above will ensure everyone gets the best Field Night experience.

We thank you for your co-operation.