
Astronomical Societies

Professional Astronomy Organisations

Amateur Societies

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

South Australia




Western Australia


The following list of suppliers has been obtained from advertisements. The listing does not imply any endorsement of the supplier by NSAS. The list is simply a service to members.

Discussion Forums


General Information

Observing Reference Material

Observing Themes

  • Herschel 400A list of deep sky objects that are a natural extension of the Messier list.
  • Astro-Tom.comSite containing a list of deep sky objects and tips on their observation.
  • Lunar 100Site containing a list of lunar objects to observe.

Telescope Tuning, Mounts, Aligning and DIY

ATM (Amateur Telescope Making)

  • BBAstroDesignsSite containing useful information on telescope design.
  • StellafaneSite containing ideas and designs for telescopes.


  • NINA - Complete Imaging and control software package (very popular, free and has the latest innovations).
  • SGPro - Complete Imaging and control software package (a bit dated and commercial).
  • PHP2 - The most popular guiding software (free).
  • ASTAP -  the Astrometric STAcking Program - A popular, fast and free plate-solving software.
  • APT - "AstroPhotography Tool" the Swiss army knife for your astro imaging sessions. Also an option for DSLR users.
  • SharpCap -  Astronomy camera capture featuring Polar Alignment and Planetary Imaging.
  • Firecapture - Astronomy camera capture for planetary imaging.
  • RTGUIWindows application that produces observing lists and can control some Goto telescopes.
  • Virtual Moon AtlasWindows application that provides information on the features of the moon.
  • PocketStarsPlanetarium software for Windows, smartphones and PDAs.
  • Cartes du CielPlanetarium software for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
  • StarCalcA Windows based planetarium package that is expandable to use common databases.
  • StellariumA planetarium package for Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
  • Voyager and SkyGazerPlanetarium software packages for Windows and Mac OS X users.
  • Keith's Image StackerImage processing software for the Macintosh system.
  • AstroPlannerSoftware for observation planning, visualisation and logging.
  • SkyTools 4 - Planning software for Windows.


  • Lee Brothers - Nuts & Bolts - 6 Dunlop St, North Parramatta NSW 2151.

Solar System

Deep Space


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