Observing night - Visitors Welcome is OFF
An email, or website post, will be made by noon of the day of the event to confirm the night is on or has been cancelled due to poor weather etc. as well as confirming which observation site being used.
The gate will be open 30 minutes before Sunset and you are asked to arrive then to allow ample time to set up in the light.
Please follow our Night Time Etiquette & Car Lights guidelines.
By applying to attend the night as a visitor, and in attending any NSAS event, you agree to the following:
You are attending the Event voluntarily as an individual;
You will familiarise yourself with any information the Society provides about the Event;
During the Event you will behave in an appropriate, lawful and respectful manner, and comply with the rules relating to, or reasonable directions of the Observing Officer or any Society committee member regarding the use of the site on which the Event is held;
You are travelling to/from and attending the Event at your own risk;
The Society is not responsible for any damage, loss or theft of any of your possessions or equipment during the Event or while you are travelling to or from it;
The Society and its members are not liable to you for any loss (including indirect or consequential loss), expense, damage, personal injury, illness or death suffered during or in connection with Event, except for any liability which cannot be excluded (in which case that liability is limited to the greatest extent allowed by law).
You acknowledge that any area that roped or sectioned off are out of bounds and are not to be entered.
Imagers must not inconvenience others with unshielded lights when doing flats.
Observation people should not park next to imaging people as they tend to leave early and thus disrupt imaging sessions.
If you intend to leave early (especially before midnight), park closer to the entrance gate so as not to disturb others that stay later.
Sites (see email to know which of the two sites is used)
Peninsular Firearm Academy (PFA)
So - you've bought a telescope. You've sort of looked through all that stuff but it seems harder than it should. Join some experienced amateur astronomers for that helping hand. Open to Members and Non-Members alike. ...
This is a night for beginners to come along and learn how to set up a telescope. ...