General Meeting: Speaker: Bob Fuller
On the 3rd Tuesday of the month (February to November) at 7:30pm, we meet on zoom or at Regis Hall in the grounds of St Ignatius’ College, Riverview Street, Riverview (Lane Cove) which features a presentation from a Guest Lecturer. These presentations generally focus on the theoretical aspects of Cosmology, Astrophysics and Astrophotography and can include some of the most up-to-date research and scientific findings. We are fortunate to be able to obtain speakers from Australia’s top universities and scientific community – our past Guest Lecturers have included the likes of Dr Fred Watson and Nobel Prize winner Prof. Brian Schmidt. Our planned speaker, Alice Gorman, has had to cancel, so our speaker for the Sep GM is our own Dr Bob Fuller, who is going to speak on Aboriginal culture and astronomy. He will explain the background to their strong connection to the night sky and the cosmology of Australian Aboriginal peoples, and many interesting examples of their understanding of astronomical processes that modern astrophysics is only recently described.
The format of the evening consists of a welcome to Members and Visitors, a quick discussion on general business of NSAS, the presentation from our Guest Speaker and then members usually stay and have a chat with a cup of tea or coffee.
These meetings are an excellent opportunity to get to know fellow members.
Observation & Imaging night at one of our sites in Terry Hills or Belrose. ...
Observation & Imaging night at one of our sites in Terry Hills or Belrose. ...